In 1976, Argentina is governed by a military junta bankrolled by former Nazis. It is the anniversary of a mysterious village fire in the jungle. The lone survivor, a Guaraní boy, is now a Jesuit priest.
A Jewish journalist, Ariel Guzman, interviews him at his mission. The man claims Adolf Hitler escaped from Berlin with Eva Braun and made a secret camp near the Iguaçu Falls. The Führer ordered the village’s destruction, but the priest refuses to say why. He mentions the codename Edelweiss and will only reveal the person’s identity if he dies.
Argentina’s most powerful man is billionaire and Waffen-SS veteran Tiago Hecht. He is searching for Edelweiss so that he can establish a Fourth Reich. Hecht now has confirmation Hitler’s son is alive. But so does the Mossad and they have sent an agent to eliminate him.
The only sanctuary for ‘Edelweiss’ is at the Vatican, but time is running out. The hunt is on…
Codename Edelweiss:
The Search For Hitler's Son
GOODBYE TO THE PRESIDENT ... 'Justin Kerr-Smiley's second novel is a powerful chronicle of a crucial moment in recent Latin American history. It's also a great read.'
Aamer Hussein, Author of 'The Cloud Messenger'
GOODBYE TO THE PRESIDENT ... 'It truly is an extraordinary story and told in a masterful way by Kerr-Smiley.
I urge everyone to read it.'
A. J. W. Hayward, Amazon Books Reviewer
UNDER THE SUN ... 'It is a small masterpiece; the best novel that I have read about war since Captain Corelli's Mandolin.'
The Sunday Telegraph
UNDER THE SUN ... 'It is an accomplished literary war novel ... Kerr-Smiley's passionate tale should convince readers that remarkable, as well as horrific, things can happen in the midst of war.'
Publishers Weekly